Ignite the World With Us

We can accomplish this goal together, and your contribution will Ignite the lives of countless people. By joining this powerful alliance, you’re securing your status as a heart-centered humanitarian dedicated to positively impacting the lives of people around the world and standing in alignment with our mission to Ignite future generations.

You are saying yes to

  • Be A Foundational Member of the Humanity Alliance

  • Join the Ignite Humanity™ ThinkTank 

  • Build Schools with Mission Inspiration 

  • Speak at our Impactful Event

  • Participate in our online summit.

  • Set new Guinness World Records. 

  • Write in the largest compilation book on the planet.

  • Be an early adopter of our Igniteopodia App

  • Be a Guest on the Ignite Humanity™ Live TV show

  • Leave a Lasting legacy and influence history

  • Carry the distinguished title of Ignite Humanity™ Alliance member 

  • Be a VIP guest at our school openings

  • Add your book to the Legacy Library 

  • Support the Ignite Humanity™ Foundation Fund

  • Enjoy Unprecedented Global Impact

  • Forge lasting Change and Unity

Join Ignite Humanity AllianceIgnite the World With Us
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Yes, we can Ignite and unite humanity when we come together!

When you sign up, you will be a part of history and connected to a project that will

Ignite lives 
Ignite hearts 
Ignite souls

Ignite possibilities

Ignite literacy

Ignite legacy

Ignite Humanity

If you are ready to be a part of the outstanding Ignite Humanity Alliance, fill out the information here, make your payment, and begin a journey of epic proportions that will not only Ignite lives around the world, but also Ignite YOU!

Still Have Questions?

Book a Discovery Call with Ignite CEO and Founder JB Owen to get all the exciting details about Ignite Humanity™. JB will walk you through what it means to join a community of bestselling storytellers sharing their Ignite Moments™. She will share details about the Ignite Humanity™ project and the exciting charity initiative Ignite is running alongside the book and series. Ignite Humanity will be a collaboration on a global scale, using various mediums of storytelling to transform lives and inspire people to take positive action for a better world. We want you to be part of that.

Ignite Publishing's mission is to impact humanity and inspire the world through the stories we tell. We can’t wait to hear more about how you’re impacting humanity!

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