Ignite Humanity™: The Book

Every person on the planet has a story, and every story has the ability to save a life. We never know who is truly hurting and how our story can be the very medicine they need to heal. Our story could be the catalyst for another person to promote change, inspire hope, or bring forth a greater decision in their life. Stories have the ability to touch the heart and stir the soul. They can be the very thing a person needs to help them carry on. 

I am sure somewhere in your life, a story has touched you deeply and been the spark that set you on a new path. The story of another person’s perseverance, dedication, and overcoming obstacles was the ignition point for you to do more than you did before. Your story could be exactly that for not just one person but thousands of people around the world. What you have overcome or triumphed in your life might be exactly the inspiration someone needs to flourish in their life.

Be a Part of Igniting All of Humanity

To truly Ignite Humanity™, we need to share the stories that will ignite others to what is possible in their life. We need to show how, in the face of adversity, there is a way to peace, joy, and harmony. In the midst of hardships, there is happiness, and in the depths of uncertainty, there can be magnificence. Our stories allow us to recognize our abilities and see our talents. They show us hope our path is the gateway to our future. How we reached our victory is the very wisdom needed to help others to do the same. 

The world needs your story and we want to publish it, igniting the heart of the very people that need to hear it. No one in the world has your story; it is unique and filled with lessons and blessings that will show that if you can do it, so can someone else.

Say YES to sharing your story and be part
of the change the world needs to feel.

Align with like-minded visionaries

In an unprecedented book, Ignite Humanity™ will be the largest compilation book ever produced, filled with stories from around the globe of those who have had an Ignite Moment™ that changed them profoundly. Each story will showcase the human spirit and the tenacity that lives within each of us. Transcending all differences, these stories speak to the common denominator in all people: our desire to persevere and overcome   Humans have the ability to rise to their greatest potential and reach their personal best. Each of us has what we need to achieve our greatness, and our stories are what gets us there. 

Your story matters to so many people, and what you have endured and achieved could be the very antidote someone needs in their life. Sharing your unique story of how your Ignite Moment became the starting point to where you are now may be the very thing that brings someone closer to being their very best.

Your words will make a difference

I invite you to consider the power of sharing your story in a book that will reach every corner of the globe; with 280 people sharing their powerful Ignite Moment™, we will touch the hearts and minds of every person who needs to read exactly what we have shared. With industry leaders, titans of change, women of impact, and voices of hope, we can indeed Ignite Humanity™! We can spark a revolution by raising the consciousness and elevating the collective to something greater than what we have ever seen. Each one of us has the ability to make a difference, and it is through our stories that we come together and unite our collective consciousness

When you say yes to Ignite Humanity, you join a group of individuals who are on a mission to Ignite change and activate unity!

You become a part of a desire to spread goodness, acceptance, and encouragement. You will be an ambassador of authenticity and a beacon of hope. You will shine a light on what is possible and guide the way for those who need inspiration and support. In telling your story, you express your heartfelt desire to help another person wherever they are in their life. When we all decide that our story is the very thing that will grow compassion, foster empathy, and bring us all together, we can end wars, stop oppression, eliminate harm, and create a world where we truly see the value, importance, and beauty in everyone. We no longer feel any differences but instead appreciate our commonalities. We realize that when we ignite another person, we become the ignition point that will create a ripple to ignite all of humanity.

Join Mission Inspiration

Behind every great movement is an intrinsic why. Our why is to ignite what is possible in every person through the support of helping children. We want to ensure every child can reach their full potential by providing a place for them to learn and read. It is through reading that minds are awakened and activated. Reading opens up possibilities and enlivens new will to preserve. Positive education builds a framework for positive outcomes. Having a place to receive that education and grow their self-worth will foster their desire to give back in positive ways.

Ignite Humanity™: Mission Inspiration is focused on building schools in needed areas for children to learn in a safe, nurturing environment that develops their imagination, creativity, and internal aspirations. Through our book project, we aim to build eleven schools in eleven counties and ignite the big vision of 10 thousand Ignite Humanity Inspiration Classrooms around the globe. This compilation book will be the ignition point for this endeavor and ensure that children have a place to learn how they, too, can Ignite the lives of others. 

One school has already been built from this initiative to Ignite Humanity™ in Lomback, Indonesia, in June of 2023. Part of every author’s financial contributions toward building schools and all the online proceeds of the sales of the Ignite Humanity book contribute to our school building fund.

Leave a legacy

We all need to be looking to the future to create a world where the next generation can thrive. A book is here forever, etched in time, created for all to benefit from. Participating in this project will leave a lasting mark for years to come. Your story will be more than shared history; it will ensure posterity—a lifelong masterpiece for others to learn from. 

The legacy of your story will open the door for others to create their legacy and support a chain reaction of actions that are devoted to building a legacy. This encourages us all to live in ways that build deep connections to those goals that not just serve ourselves, but serve all of humanity. When you share your story in this book, you ensure your legacy will inspire those in the future and leave behind a lasting imprint of what is possible for everyone.

A book designed to Ignite Humanity™ through legacy building is sure to go best-seller in multiple markets and attract the attention of distinguished establishments in the literary world. As the book climbs the ranking and receives recognition and awards, you, as a contributing author, will receive that same acclaimed status in your ranking and social recognition. Your legacy will forever be connected to the achievements and accolades that this book facilitates.

Say YES to making a difference and
be part of transforming history.

12 months of doing good

Throughout 2024, Ignite Humanity™ will hold space for a weekly ThinkTank to come together virtually to discuss urgent matters affecting humanity and establish how each one of us can help. Each author in the book is doing exceptional things on the planet in the area of humanity. Each week, we will come together to discover ways to make significant improvements and help one another achieve our individual goals. We will build new relationships and assist each other using our unique talents and accessing our resources. 

We will also work together to ensure our schools are in the most needed areas and use our collective support to create an even greater impact. The ThinkTank is a place to ask for help with your projects and then learn what others are doing that is successful and how we can get involved in generating more diverse results. 

At our ThinkTank, you will meet exceptional individuals in a curated group of the top people in the humanity space making extraordinary changes in every area of human need and environmental exploitation. Here, leaders of industries, motivators of success, masters of change, and inventors of solutions will join the group to ensure we are the instigators of global improvements. We need your input and want to hear how we can help you achieve your pro-humanity initiatives.

Unprecedented impact

When we come together, we achieve so much more. Joining forces, locking arms, and banding with one another to talk about humanity will wake up the world to how important humanity is. If every person involved in this project shares with their community and includes the people who know the importance of this project, imagine the reach we will have. Every corner of the planet, every news station, media outlet, and social platform will be sharing the effort we are making to Ignite Humanity. With such an intention, we will reach billions of people, and billions more will be transformed as the years go on.

This book will introduce you and the work you are doing to people around the globe and open up connections with people from every country and every market sector. The reach will be colossal and the impact unprecedented. Around the world, you will be known for Igniting Humanity and making sure that others are taken care of while moving the needle in improving the needs of humanity

Say YES to being a global influencer
in the name of humanity

Set a Guinness World Record with us

We feel a book of this magnitude deserves to be recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Throughout the project, our goal is to set numerous Guinness World records, including the Largest completion book, and break the existing records for most authors signing the same book simultaneously and the most authors signing the same book online simultaneously. YOU will be included in these attempts and be able to share the excitement and outcomes with your community. 

We have declared November 8th as International Ignite Humanity Day and will hold a 3-day event in 2025, where we aim to break four more records: the longest television interview, the longest interviewing marathon, the longest live interview streamed over the internet and the record for the largest amount of money raised on a telethon. 

During this 3-day event, you will be a part of making history as we interview the top people in the world, igniting humanity and raising money for our schools. Our event will be televised and streamed around the world to bring awareness to the spirit and intention of raising the consciousness of humanity. If you do one project and go to one event in 2024…this has to be the one!

Are you ready to say yes and Ignite Humanity?

Still Have Questions?

Book a Discovery Call with Ignite CEO and Founder JB Owen to get all the exciting details about Ignite Humanity™. JB will walk you through what it means to join a community of bestselling storytellers sharing their Ignite Moments™. She will share details about the Ignite Humanity™ project and the exciting charity initiative Ignite is running alongside the book and series. Ignite Humanity™ will be a collaboration on a global scale, using various mediums of storytelling to transform lives and inspire people to take positive action for a better world. We want you to be part of that.

Ignite Publishing's mission is to impact humanity and inspire the world through the stories we tell. We can’t wait to hear more about how you’re impacting humanity!

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