Ignite Humanity Alliance

Become a Hero for Humanity
Ignite and Unite Everyone...

The Ignite Humanity™ Alliance is an exclusive, invite-only group of leaders dedicated to impacting humanity and creating a better place for all our futures. Now, more than ever, each one of us needs to be a part of uplifting the world we live in. We need to show we care, invest our time, and utilize our talents and resources to inspire, encourage, and instill the spirit of possibility in everyone. Where we are headed depends on our commitment, and where we end up will be influenced by our actions right now.   

This is your time to be a part of something monumental. To join a group of servant leaders dedicated to making a difference in the lives of every person on the planet. Yes, we can ignite and unite humanity by raising the collective consciousness of each and every person to a place where harmony reigns and unity endures.

Yes, we can Ignite and unite humanity when we come together!

Be A Foundational Member of the Humanity Alliance

As an Alliance member, you will become a part of the difference-makers who are going to Ignite Humanity™ through the power of authentically sharing. Authenticity is the new currency of success, and being your true self around other servant-leaders doing good for humanity will open the door for others to do the same. We inspire through our realness and motivate through genuine actions, The Alliance is for people doing pro-humanity work to come together and show the world how we all can support one another. When we collectively aim for positive results, we hit them every time. As an Alliance member, you will support life-changing initiatives that will transform the next generation and create a better world for all mankind.

Become a part of the difference-makers!

Join the Ignite Humanity ThinkTank

Meet outstanding individuals at the Ignite Humanity™ ThinkTank, filled with top-level leaders dedicated to improving the state of humanity. Meet the people from around the globe who are making an impact to improve our future. Connect with those who have projects, companies, and NGOs serving humanity and drive the discussion forward on how we can support one another and create systemic change. 

The Think Tank meets weekly to ensure each member is supported and collaborative actions are encouraged to help us each reach our individual and collective goals in the humanity arena. This is where, together, we will move the needle on making the world a better place for everyone.

Mastermind with those who are making a difference

Build Schools with Mission Inspiration

Children are our future, and Alliance is devoted to Igniting literacy around the globe by building schools in much-needed areas. When children can read, their options are limitless, and their future bright. Through building Inspirational Classrooms, we will provide children with the means to live their greatest potential and make anything and everything possible in their lives and the lives of those they touch.

Using eco-friendly, recycled blocks made from plastic pulled from landfills, we aim to build safe, sufficient, and supportive schools in countries like Turkey, India, Africa, Morocco, and Nicaragua as a starting point. Your involvement will ensure these schools and many more will be built and maintained so that kids everywhere can Ignite their lives with hope, joy, and possibilities.

We’re committed to building ten thousand schools

Speak at our Impactful Event

Be our VIP guest and speak at our Ignite Gatherama event in Las Vegas on May 16th & 17th, 2024, to impart your wisdom to our audience. In a stunning setting, You are welcome to teach and facilitate your unique intellectual property for our guests and share how you are making a difference on the planet. Share your vision for the future, business strategies, learning modalities, and powerful pro-humanity concepts. Take part in our fun-filled event with some of the most exceptional people on the planet with like-minded intentions. Sell your product, market your events, invite people to learn from you, and grow the movement of igniting lives around the globe.

Share your vision for the future from our stage

Participate in our online summit

Take part in our virtual online summit to share your mission and articulate your initiatives. Tell others what you are doing and why you love what you do, and inspire them to join you in your mission to make a difference in the lives of others. Use this as a platform to elevate your brand and expand upon your purpose in the work you do. Use this online vehicle to reach new clients, create new collaborations, and inform the world of exactly what you do. Let our summit expose you to millions of followers and advocates in the humanity space. At the Ignite Humanity Summit, you will be surrounded by those supporting humanity-plus initiatives dedicated to those in need. 

Reach a global audience by speaking at our summit.

Set a new Guinness World Record

We have declared November 8th as International Ignite Humanity™ Day and will hold a 3-day event on November 8, 9, and 10 th, 2024, where we aim to break four Guinness World Records: the longest television interview, the longest interviewing marathon, the longest live interview streamed over the internet and the record for the largest amount of money raised on a telethon. 

During this 3-day event, you will be a part of making history as we interview the top people in the world, igniting humanity and raising money for our schools. Our event will be televised and streamed worldwide to bring awareness to the spirit and intention of raising the consciousness of humanity. If you do one project and go to one event in 2024…this has to be the one!

Be part of setting multiple World Records

We feel a book of this magnitude deserves to be recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Throughout the project, our goal is to set numerous Guinness World Records, including the Largest completion book, and break the existing records for most authors signing the same book simultaneously and the most authors signing the same book online simultaneously. YOU will be included in these attempts and be able to share the excitement and outcomes with your community.

Write in the largest compilation book on the planet.

In an unprecedented book, Ignite Humanity™ will be the largest compilation book ever produced, filled with stories from around the globe of those who have had an Ignite Moment that changed them profoundly. Each story will showcase the human spirit and the tenacity that lives within each of us. Transcending all differences, stories speak to the common denominator in all people: our desire to persevere and overcome  Your story matters, and what you have endured and achieved could be the very antidote someone needs in their life. Sharing your unique story of how your Ignite Moment became the starting point to where you are now may be the very thing that brings someone closer to becoming their best.

Contribute a 2500-word story sharing your Ignite Moment in one of these eight uplifting categories

  • Women of Impact

  • Leaders of Change

  • Inspirational Titans

  • Awakening Hearts

  • Global Collective

  • Voices of Hope

  • Raising the Consciousness

  • Inspiring the Future

Share your story for all to enjoy
and have access to you

Be an early adopter of our Igniteopodia App

With a mission to Ignite Humanity™, we will launch our new app in 2024 and you will be an early adopter with two years of Legacy status inside the app to share about you and your business. Igniteopedia, the home for humanity’s stories, is an online database where people around the world can share their stories and connect with like-minded people on an authentic level. You will be at the forefront of this impactful new community and industry influencer as we build an incredible community of people who value connection, compassion, and uplifting those around them. You’ll be one of the selected, exclusive few who will be able to share links to your website and courses through Igniteopedia. You will be validated and authorized as a strategic member and a cornerstone of creating a place that will bring people together.

Influence the world with our Igniteopedia App

Be a Guest on
Ignite Humanity Live

Reaching six million viewers in 109 countries, Ignite Humanity™ Live is a place for you to share your views on how you Ignite Humanity™ in your unique way. Reaching viewers from around the globe, we want you to share how you feel we can Ignite lives and foster greater change. During this live TV show, you will have 30 impactful minutes to tell your Ignite Moment™, share your initiative, and inspire those who need to hear from you. In a fun and interactive interview process, Lady JB, the host, will dive deep into the topics most relevant to you and showcase the work you are doing to help others. 

Reach millions of viewers on our TV show

Leave a Lasting legacy
and influence history

The legacy of your story will open the door for others to create their legacy and create a ripple of positive results. Creating a legacy encourages us all to live in ways that serve not just ourselves but also all of humanity. When you share your story in the Ignite Humanity™ book, you ensure your legacy will inspire those in the future and leave behind a lasting imprint of what is possible for everyone. A book designed to Ignite Humanity™ through legacy building is sure to go best-seller in multiple markets and attract the attention of distinguished establishments in the literary world. As the book climbs the ranking and receives recognition and awards, you, as a contributing author, will receive that same acclaimed status in your ranking and social recognition. Your legacy will forever be connected to the achievements and accolades that this book facilitates.

Say YES to making a difference and
being part of transforming history

Carry the distinguished title
of Ignite Humanity Alliance member

Receive the Ignite Humanity™ Alliance member lapel pin to wear at all your official engagements, sharing your dedication to Humanity. Step into the role as an ambassador to inspire change, motivate unity, and foster deeper collaboration amongst all people, all nations, and all humanity-plus directives. Be the chancellor of change and the instigator of improvement as an Alliance member in your community and around the globe.  

Also, receive the Ignite Humanity™ Alliance member digital badge to share on your website and in your digital signature. Allow others to see the work you are committed to and the importance you place on improving humanity. Use this badge to initiate conversations and acknowledgment of the work you are doing to ensure a better world for everyone.  

Be an advocate for Humanity

Be a VIP guest at our
school openings

There is nothing more meaningful than the satisfaction of doing the work that helps others in their endeavors. We invite you to come to any of our schools during construction and help put bricks in the walls. Our schools take between 6 and 11 days to build, and you are invited at any time to be a guest, cut the ribbon, speak at the event, and see your name on the plaque on the wall. Sit side-by-side with the children, meet the educators and other Alliance members as we open schools and ignite literacy in children in third-world countries needing our help. 

Help a child gain an education. Add your book to the Legacy Library. If you have a solo book inspiring and mentoring positive actions, we want to make it a part of our Legacy Library. A positive mindset, winning habits, and supportive tools for change are much needed to improve humanity. Your book will be a part of the library resources we provide to our schools and other schools in need. Through your generous donation, your book will be featured at the legacy library and placed in schools around the globe. Know that your words are impacting those who need it most. 

Let your words inspire others hungry for change

Support the Ignite Humanity Foundation Fund

In partnership with KBF FOUNDATION CANADA, established at the initiative of the Brussels-based King Baudouin Foundation, we ensure part of your investment goes toward registered charity initiatives. Tax receipts will be issued for $5000.00 of your investment as a thank you for your commitment to the project and the support of those organizations needing it most.  To truly Ignite humanity, we need to make sure that funds are allocated to as many institutes as possible, and your contribution will be a part of making that happen. 

Receive your charity donation receipt.

Enjoy Unprecedented Global Impact

When we come together, we achieve so much more. Joining forces, locking arms, and banding with one another to talk about humanity will wake up the world to how important humanity is. If every person involved in this project shared with their community and included the people who know the importance of this project, imagine the reach we would have. Every corner of the planet, every news station, media outlet, and social platform will be sharing the effort we are making to Ignite Humanity. With such an intention, we will reach billions of people, and billions more will be transformed as the years go on.

The Alliance and all its deliverables will introduce you and the work you are doing to people around the globe and open up connections with people from every country and every market sector. The reach will be colossal and the impact unprecedented. Around the world, you will be known for Igniting Humanity and making sure that others are taken care of while moving the needle in improving the needs of humanity 

Say YES to being a global influencer in the name of humanity  

Forge lasting Change and Unity

Embarking on this journey with the Ignite Humanity™ Alliance is more than a mere investment—it's a declaration of your dedication to inspiring a world filled with hope, unity, and endless possibilities. With your heartfelt contribution, you're not just funding a mission; you're anchoring a dream, nurturing aspirations, and giving a voice to countless silenced voices. This is a commitment to igniting change and catalyzing new beginnings. As you pledge your support, you become a cornerstone of a vision that seeks to reshape tomorrow with the leaders of today. 

Legacy Alliance members are friends and foundational supporters of Ignite Humanity™ and an integral part of the mission to ignite every person on the planet. We are excited to partner with members like you and help ensure we each make a difference and leave a lasting legacy. There is strength in aligning with one another with the aspiration and devotion to uplifting all of humanity. When we do that, anything and everything is possible.

Join the Alliance and begin igniting lives.

Want to learn more ways to Ignite Humanity?

Book a Discovery Call with Ignite CEO and Founder JB Owen to get all the exciting details about Ignite Humanity™. JB will walk you through what it means to join a community of bestselling storytellers sharing their Ignite Moments™. She will share details about the Ignite Humanity™ project and the exciting charity initiative Ignite is running alongside the book and series. Ignite Humanity will be a collaboration on a global scale, using various mediums of storytelling to transform lives and inspire people to take positive action for a better world. We want you to be part of that.

Ignite Publising's mission is to impact humanity and inspire the world through the stories we tell. We can’t wait to hear more about how you’re impacting humanity!

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